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A Short about Coffee Bean

Once upon a time, in a small coffee farm, there was a humble coffee bean. The bean was born and grew in the warm and fertile soil of the farm, basking in the sunlight and the gentle rain.

One day, the farmer decided it was time to pick the coffee beans. He carefully harvested the ripe cherries, separating the beans from the pulp and then laid them out to dry in the sun. After a few days, the beans were ready to be transported to the roasting facility. There, they were sorted and cleaned, removing any impurities and selecting only the highest quality beans.

The roasting process began. The beans were heated to a high temperature, carefully monitored to ensure they were roasted to perfection. As they heated up, the beans released their aroma, filling the air with the rich and inviting scent of coffee. Once the beans were roasted, they were quickly cooled to prevent any further cooking. They were then packaged and sent to a coffee shop where they would be ground and brewed. The barista at the coffee shop carefully measured out the desired amount of coffee, placed it into a grinder and ground the beans to a fine consistency.

Water was heated to the perfect temperature, and the ground coffee was added to the coffee maker. The water flowed through the coffee, extracting its flavor and creating a rich, aromatic brew. The coffee was poured into a cup and presented to the customer. The customer savored the rich, bold flavor of the coffee, delighted by the aroma and the taste.

And so, from a humble coffee bean to a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, the journey was complete.

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